We all have a spiritual support system available to us. They want to work with us, send us divine guidance, and help us to be happy. Knowing that I’m never alone and have guides who watch over, help, protect, and teach me throughout my lifetime is a wonderful feeling.
For me, the Angels have always been my spiritual companions. I work with them daily and ask for guidance, help, protection, and much more. There are many different types of Angels - I work mainly with my guardian Angel and the Archangels. Each of the Archangels has a specific domain, so you can ask for the presence of their loving energy for particular areas.
I’ve worked a lot with Archangel Raphael throughout my life. She is the Angel in charge of healing. This includes all aspects – body, mind, and spirit. She has been there with me throughout the many health challenges I’ve faced and helped me to heal. She is also a good resource for boosting creativity. Each day before I write, I call on her to help me create work to help and inspire others. Most scriptures depict Raphael as male energy, but I feel more of a feminine energy.
Archangel Michael is, to me, “the big guy.” He is fiery and passionate - the Angel of love and protection. I call on him to surround my car with his protective energy whenever I drive, my kids or my husband drive. I call on him to protect the house and me when I'm alone throughout the night. (Yes, I’m a fraidy cat to be left alone overnight.) I also call on him to help me overcome my fears when starting a new venture. Just knowing he is there and providing me with the strength to try new things gives me a feeling of safety.
This is where Archangel Gabriel comes in; he governs our emotions. I call on him to help calm my doubts and boost my confidence. He has helped me when I’ve struggled with anxiety, fear, and self-doubt. I call on him every time I have a speaking engagement. Gabriel is also said to be the Archangel who watches over children. Every time I entered a classroom, I called on him to watch over the children and help them to stay on the right path.
We can call upon many other Archangels when we feel we need support. Each of the angels I discussed plays many more roles. Today I only touched on them briefly and spoke on the ones I work with closely.
I encourage all of you to get to know your spiritual support system. There are many out there just waiting for your call. Our Angels and guides love us and want the best for us, but they must be called upon to assist.
Throughout my life, they have sent me signs, symbols, and numbers to guide me on the right path. When I’m pondering a decision, I’ll ask them to send me a sign as to whether it’s the right decision or not; they mostly always come through. Choose a symbol that resonates with you, ask for guidance, and be present enough to receive.
Give it a try! Next time you are struggling with a decision or need loving support, call on your Angels and guides, and know they will be right by your side. What have you got to lose?
Until next time…call upon your Angels