OMG!!! Here I am, with my 4-month puppy check-in. He’ll be 6 months old this week and I really can’t remember what life was like before him.
In the 4 short months he’s been with us he has caused us physical pain with those sharp puppy teeth, emotional pain with a trip to the doggy hospital, pure fear from his tendency to run away, frustration with potty training, stolen our hearts, and awoken us to life again. Oh, the joy he has brought us! Not to mention there have been more arguments between my husband and I. Apparently, there’s a double standard when it comes to him! It has been a roller coaster of emotions!
In the past 5 minutes I’ve been writing this, he has gotten into my plant, eaten the dirt, ripped my post-its out of my files, tried eating my files, then wanders over for a kiss continuing to push his nose into my legs because I’m ignoring him. This poor puppy is so neglected!
It once took me a few hours to write a blog, but it now takes much longer. There are pee breaks, play breaks, exercise, and let’s not forget about the snuggle breaks. It’s safe to say that having a new puppy is exactly like having a new baby. I must get things done when he’s sleeping because he requires my undivided attention when he’s awake. Can you say spoiled? And no, I can’t kick him outside because we don’t have a fenced-in backyard and I would miss him too much! Ha.
Now I think you should know a little about this guy’s personality. He’s a stubborn little fucker, with a mind of his own, but that’s the only shadow of his personality. He’s incredibly smart - it’s part of the breed. His love for life and people has taught me to slow down and see everything in a new light. He’s curious about everything and will sit for hours taking everything in. He’s gentle, loving, and loves everything and everyone. Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all like dogs and saw the world without judgment, loving unconditionally? The world would be a nicer place.
When my husband is out of town, he’s in a hyper-alert state in protection mode. I’m pretty sure he would lick anyone to death if they tried to come in the house, but he does let me know that I didn’t close the garage door, alert me of any unfamiliar noises, or if anything is outside.
My walks, hiking, and travelling have become so much more enjoyable. He helps me to be present, see, hear, and smell everything around me. Ok, maybe the 8-hour drive home at Easter wasn’t too pleasant. He cried and barked the entire way – yes, 8 long hours! He’s getting better though. I’m beyond excited to camp this summer with this little guy! Can’t wait until he sees his first squirrel.
To all of you animal lovers out there, why didn’t you tell me what this was like? I can’t believe it took me this long to get a dog! I truly believe they are Angels sent to us when we need them the most. He has disrupted our quiet, easy lives and I might say it was a disruption much-needed. We have a new zest for life, spend so much more time outdoors and I do believe he will become our best friend. My husband and I are both so in love with him! And no, he has not caused a divorce yet! Ha
My sweet baby showers me with the love I was unaware I needed! I’ll be forever grateful to him! He is truly an Angel on this earth!
Until next time…love your fur babies.