Am I the only person that can’t make a decision? There are so many decisions to be made daily - what kind of tea should I have in the morning, should I wash my hair today, what should I wear (pretty panties or granny panties), what do I make for supper – trust me, you don’t want to see me shopping!
I have struggled with making decisions for most of my life. Determining where I should eat and what I should eat are common issues for me. I know…first world problems, right? Trust me, I have bigger problems than just this. However, this little personality quirk can become quite frustrating for me and even more frustrating for my husband!
It’s not something that I worry about, it’s just a part of who I am. I trust my decision-making abilities when it comes to more important things (most of the time). I think many of us question ourselves on whether we made the right decision or not. I have confidence in my ability to make life decisions, I always go with my gut instincts, and it has rarely steered me wrong. But when it comes to the day-to-day mundane trivial decisions, I’m a hot mess!
I’m pretty sure that this comes from FOMO. Seriously, when there are so many yummy choices on the menu, how do you decide what to pick? And, if I wash my hair today, what if we get invited out tomorrow? Then I’ll have to wash my hair again and 2 days in a row is just too much work!
Making decisions is a part of life. Life often comes with challenging choices. Do I change jobs? Do I move away? Is this partner the right one for me? It’s difficult to determine the correct road to take. When it comes to these types of choices, I trust in myself, make the decision, and then stay confident in that choice. No wavering, no second-guessing, and then I let go and move on! (Unless it’s at a restaurant…in this scenario, I always second guess my choice)
I have come to greatly rely on the Universe and a higher power to guide me through this life. I meditate and pray when there’s a big decision to be made. Even when I was struggling with which editor to use, titling the book, choosing the front cover, and whether or not I should self-publish my book, I used meditation to guide me on it. I ask my spiritual helpers for guidance and to show me the way. I trust in the universe and know that if something doesn’t work out how I wanted, it’s because it wasn’t right for me. Then I say “thank you,” I know you have my best interest at heart.
I have found living my life this way takes so much pressure off me. I still do the work, show up every day, and have goals, but I remain in the present moment and stay detached from the outcome. Living life this way has decreased my stress and anxiety and allowed me to live more joyfully. I don’t worry about how it’s going to turn out because I know I’ve done everything I can. All I can do is have faith and trust that everything will work out for my higher good!
Don’t get me wrong, there are days I still fall into the worry trap, there are days I struggle with everything, and there are days I’m down in the dumps with no clue why. On these days, I pray even harder, ask for guidance and just ride the wave because I know this to shall pass!
Until next time…