I hope all of you had an eggciting Easter (dad joke)! For the lucky ones out there that are fortunate enough to have had spring break, I hope you enjoyed your time with family!
It was definitely a quiet one for me as all my family is in Saskatchewan, or as I call it Scratchybum! But, the three of us (me, my husband and daughter) spent time together, got outside, and had a nice steak dinner - not very traditional, but it worked! My son lives in China and is finally coming back to Canada July 1. I’m excited to be able to share the holidays with him once again!
I’ve decided to do something different for this week’s blog! I would love to hear a little more about all of you. I think it will help us to feel less lonely and isolated. Also, I love to have a feel of my readers: who you are, how you’re coping with the pandemic, how you spent your Easter, your future summer plans, how your kids are doing - really anything at all that would help me get to know you a little better! I genuinely care about all of you!
I believe connection is the core for all of us to get through this. Just because we can’t be together physically doesn’t mean we can’t support each other, listen, and just generally be there for each other.
So, please drop a couple sentences below in the comments. I will reply to each and every one of you! We’re all in this together!!
Until next time…drop a sentence or two!
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